Be Yourself… Always!


Registration closed on August 31, 2024


The city is known worldwide for its historic Sassi districts, which make it one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world.

The Sassi were recognized on 9 December 1993, at the assembly of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), a UNESCO world heritage site, the first site in southern Italy to receive such recognition.

In 2019 the city of Matera has been the European Capital of Culture

Exhibition venue

Cultural hypogeum Lega Navale Italiana

Sezione Matera-Magna Grecia | Via Fiorentini 103-107

Artists reviews

Below you will find some thoughts, considerations, ideas and opinions of the artists who have collaborated with me on previous exhibitions.

Patricia Canino

Visual art photographer

“When I received Carmela Loiacono’s proposal, as the curator, to participate to an international exhibition which would take place in Matera, I was struck by the precision of her arguments and the certainty of her choices. She demonstrated such an acuity and analysis of my works that I accepted immediately. During the opening of the exhibition, our meeting confirmed a great artistic bond. Since then, I have planned a residency in Matera in 2025 to carry out a new photographic project. It will be the subject of exhibitions in Italy but also internationally. I am so delighted to collaborate with Carmela Loiacono as the curator.”

Marco Riha

Contemporary Surrealist Artist

“I had the pleasure of working with Carmela Loiacono for a group exhibition in Matera. The cooperation turned out to be a smooth ride. Even though I couldn’t attend the event in person, I was kept in the loop and was able to enjoy the exhibition from afar.
Besides, I was touched by Carmela’s in-depth analysis of my body of work, her insightful intuitive words chosen to describe my work hit home.

As a self-taught artist, it certainly gave me a boost in confidence to have felt understood by an art historian.”

Camilla Fransrud 

Contemporary Landscape Artist

“Carmela Loiacono is a fantastic art historian and Curator. She believes in the artist, and with her knowledge and experience you feel that she takes really good care about you as an artist. I have had the pleasure to know Carmela for a few years and have some exhibitions with her. I can recommend her from the bottom of my art. She is unique.”

“I had the pleasure to work with Dr. Carmela Loiacono in the spring of 2024 while preparing for her “(Im)possible Elements” curated exhibition in Matera, Italy. Dr. Loiacono is superbly professional, and she is very knowledgeable in contemporary art as well as in art history. Her attention to details, great organizational skills and warm, welcoming and approachable personality made it an absolute pleasure to work with her. I highly recommend connecting with her for any project or exhibition, she will bring success to you!”

Jacqueline Schubert

Freelance Artist

“From May to June 2024, I worked with Dr. C. Loiacono on an exhibition project “Impossible Elements”. I really liked the collaboration from start to finish, because it was based on trust and appreciation.Already during the preparation, Carmela supported me with all questions regarding image selection or transport. She explained the process and goal of the project. Since I couldn’t come to the vernissage myself, I received photos, videos or statements from her via email or Instagram. She provided information about all the details of the exhibition, the artists and their works.As a participating artist I appreciated very much the commitment, the selection and the understanding of Dr. Loiacono. I would like to thank her very much for allowing me to have this experience and I’m looking forward to starting the upcoming project.”

The Mossy Muse

Abstract Artist

“Carmela is wonderful to work with. She is professional, efficient, compassionate and very empathetic to an artist’s needs. At the time that I worked with her I had only been exhibiting my art professionally for six month and was very unsure about what to exhibit and how to approach it. She guided me through the process, made recommendations, and really taught me how to create a cohesive display. I look forward to working with her in the future.”

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